The revolution of a more human Web

Click here to read the italian version on “Agenda Digitale” Reflecting on the words that are suitable to represent a concept that’s apparently abstract such as the humanization of the Web, it occurred to me the famous speech about GDP – pronounced by Bob Kennedy at Kansas University – three months before dying murdered at […]

If the new Trump’s social media was called…Trump?

He placed his name everywhere, making it a powerful brand to such an extent that allowed him, among other things, to become President of the USA while having against the 95% of the media mainstream. It was the year 2016 and he did it bypassing the traditional information thanks to the social networks: a horizontal […]

Il rapporto tra Cina ed Etiopia

di Massimo Ippolito – Oggi affronteremo un argomento di nicchia, lasciamo per un attimo i temi geopolitici che vanno di moda e fanno tendenza per occuparci di quisquilie. Banali, insignificanti. Come ad esempio l’apertura, per la prima volta nella storia, di una base militare cinese in un paese straniero. O almeno prenderemo le mosse da […]