The power of House of Cards

by Alessandro Nardone No getting around it: the policy, this policy – as stated caustic Rino Formica – “is blood and shit”; if you adapt you’re part of the game, otherwise you’re out. Who would (still) need confirmation to that effect – provided that it is still fiction and as such should not fall into […]

Wiretapping, objective is influence our behavior

by Alessandro Nardone Since I published The Predestined, who also is a novel, I receive daily messages from people who, after reading it, I wonder if the supervision to which we undergo stringent NSA is really so, or if I was to emphasize it in operation the plot. They are incredulous. On the other hand, […]

Datagate is around us, new Snowden could be many

by Alessandro Nardone In Italy, when you talk about Snowden think of the United States. Big mistake, son of that not so veiled indifference with which, in our country, we are led to approcciarci to news of foreign policy, the facts logically except in cases where these do not relate directly to our bank accounts. […]

True friendship and the sham

Last night I wrote to a distant friend. Mind you, in this case the concept of the mean distance in its metaphysical sense, that is human, the opposite of what should be a relationship of friendship authentic, or proximity. True, the roads of life tend to divide them, our destinies but, more often than not, […]

U2, Apple and the (digital) revolution of music

To those who, like myself, is now at the threshold of the forty and has a minimum of familiarity with computers, the Napster name will sound rather familiar. A little ‘history. The year was 1999, the internet was almost at the beginning and millions of people around the planet were terrorized by the mysterious Millennium […]