If the new Trump’s social media was called…Trump?

He placed his name everywhere, making it a powerful brand to such an extent that allowed him, among other things, to become President of the USA while having against the 95% of the media mainstream. It was the year 2016 and he did it bypassing the traditional information thanks to the social networks: a horizontal […]

We already are “beyond Orwell”

Many fans of the Matrix trilogy will certainly remember the famous definition of Morpheus who, explaining to Neo the differences between the real world and that artifact one where humans had been locked up by “machines”, spoke to him about “mental projection of your digital self”.

The friend is Trump, the enemy is China

If you think that Trump and Xi are already fighting, make yourself comfortable, because this is nothing: a big clash is on the horizon, a sort of Big Bang from which will emerge the geopolitical structure of the post-coronavirus. The classic appointment with history, to which Italy would be better being prepared and above all, […]

After the coronavirus, China tries to infect the world with its propaganda

Let’s start from the latest facts. On March 18, the Chinese Foreign Ministry revoked the journalistic visas to all U.S. correspondents working in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. After that, as revealed by several authoritative journalistic investigations, the regime led by […]

We are leaving the “brand Italy” to our competitors

Putting all the topics in a row is not easy at all, but I will try starting from the final consideration: the bad communication has many aspects in common with the Coronavirus itself. It spreads easily, it affects anyone without distinctions and causes enormous damage. That’s something I’ve recently faced together with Giulia Songa and […]

Manuel Bortuzzo is our Person of the Year

Authentic and therefore bright, like a mirror capable of externally reflecting one’s inner beauty, making it a gift to this mad world where emptiness has taken the place of substance, selfishness has replaced common sense and social networks have suppressed much of our desire to be together. Athlete, friend, boyfriend, son, boy. This is Manuel […]