Trump’s future between Patriot Party and Patriot Network

Now that Joe Biden has taken possession of the Oval Office, Donald Trump will certainly be thinking about how to regain possession of the political scene, knowing fully well, however, that to succeed he will have to regain the media space that has been taken from him by the giants of the Web.

An obligatory path, the outcome of which will certainly have effects also in our latitudes, especially with regard to the issue of digital sovereignty, the scope of which is immense and affects us all; it is not Trump’s tweets at stake, but essentially three fundamental rights:

the free expression of our opinions

the freedom to inform

the protection of the security and integrity of our digital identity

A new party?

Many assume that Trump is thinking of capitalizing on the 74 million votes he got on November 3 creating an alternative party to Democrats and Republicans, thus giving a structure to his movement, who until now have identified themselves in the acronym of Make America Great Again (MAGA, in fact).

But are we sure that he has a real party in mind? Personally, I have several reasons to doubt it, first of all the former president always plays to win, and history says that all attempts to break the Democratic-Republican bipolarism have failed miserably.

Rather, I believe that Trump and his advisors imagine the Patriot Party as a movement that is certainly structured and hierarchical, but still internal to the Republican party.

The example to refer to is the Tea Party, which after the economic crisis of 2008 greatly influenced the republican political agenda mainly in terms of combating the pervasiveness of the state and excessive tax burden.

A solution like that would allow him to have a political brand owned by him, but continuing to act within the republican perimeter: without, therefore, giving up competitiveness in the electoral appointments that matter.

A strategy thanks to Trump could replicate in a more organized way what he already did between 2015 and 2016, winning the Republican nomination to the detriment of a party unable to equip itself with a ruling class, minimally charismatic and representative of the real needs of the American people.

The Patriot Network

As I said at the beginning, the ongoing clash is not so much between Trump and BigTech, but rather between freedom and the dictatorship of single thought, between a conception of society based on Western values ​​and the model imagined in 1948 (the year he wrote 1984 novel) by George Orwell and today transformed into reality by the Chinese Communist regime.

For this reason, I invite you to go beyond the opinion that everyone has of Trump, focusing attention on the function that he could have in determining the shift of fundamental balances as mentioned earlier.

In fact, at this moment he’s the only one able to challenge the giants that in few years have been able to engulf a large part of our economies and our social life, exploiting the substantial inability of governments to keep up with them from a legislative point of view.

A challenge that does not only involve the creation of a new social network but, as we have seen in the case of Parler, the starting from the foundations by creating alternative structures that can guarantee its survival.

I am referring to hosting, ecosystem of apps, payment systems and even the supply of electricity, everything you need to not depend on the giants clearly aligned with the mainstream.

Newspapers, companies, politicians, governments, free citizens: anyone who does not express themselves scrupulously by adhering to the dictates of politically correct risks to be canceled at any moment without being able to do anything.

Beyond politics, think of the damage that companies that have invested lot of money and resources to communicate through those platforms could suffer: in a click, customers, reputation, content, everything would disappear.

In fact, a Patriot Network is already being born: I’m referring to Steve Bannon’s Real America’s Voice (which will play a central role in building both the network and the movement), One American News, Voice of America, Breitbart and other channels that have also emerged. thanks to cross-media that will certainly confirm their growth trends in the months to come.