Musk and X under attack: the globalist left is worse than Stalin and Hitler

This globalist left is even worse than Mao, Stalin or Hitler. The reason is very simple: the aforementioned tyrants did not pass off their criminal ideologies as “democracy,” as the woke gendarmes do in their attempt to impose the dictatorship of single thought throughout the West.

I have been saying this for years and will repeat it endlessly: this is the mother of all battles and the only hope of survival for the West is the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential election next November 5.

The American leader, whether he likes it or not, is the only bulwark capable of countering the dictatorship of relativism preconized by Pope Benedict XVI in the Regensburg encyclical and implemented by a veritable Army of Darkness that in our latitudes is composed of the likes of Emmanuel Macron and his loyalists such as the “democratic” Sandro Gozi, an Italian MEP – but, mind you, elected in France, where he has been working for Macron since 2019 after serving as undersecretary for European Affairs in the Renzi and Gentiloni governments – who in an interview with Repubblica threatened to “turn off X” if Musk does not bend to the rules of the so-called Digital Services Act (Dsa). A proclamation that has the bitter taste of censorship masquerading as legality.

Gozi, with a genuinely democratic spirit, explains that in Europe there are laws to be respected, and that Musk, with his unaligned billionaire arrogance, must comply. Now, anyone with at least a couple of functioning neurons understands that this is not about defending compliance with laws, but about repressing freedom of expression, especially when it exposes the hypocrisies of the strong powers.

But Gozi and his Brussels cronies do not stop there. Not content with threatening the blockade of X, they raise the bar even higher: if Musk does not bow his head, they could even dismantle the platform in the territory of the Union. You read that right: dismantle it. Basically, wipe out with a stroke one of the few free voices left in the international media landscape.

Statements that couple with the letter that another iron macronian, Thierry Breton, the European grand inquisitor to the Internal Market, thought well of delivering to Musk, reminding him that during his interview with Donald Trump – broadcast live on X on August 13 – he should refrain from conveying fake news and hate messages.

Now, you tell me if this is not good old-fashioned preemptive censorship, worthy of the totalitarian regimes Brussels claims to be fighting. And all this for what? Because Musk had the courage to break the shackles of political correctness and restore X’s freedom to be a true platform for discussion, where ideas can circulate without the filter of ideologies imposed from above.

But let us take a step back and try to understand what is really behind this European crusade against Musk. It is impossible not to think of the Twitter Files, those explosive documents that Musk had the courage to make public soon after he bought Twitter, showing how American Democrats-the same ones who fill their mouths with words like “freedom” and “democracy”-have systematically used social media to manipulate and censor information in their favor. A staggering reality that the mainstream media, true mouthpieces of the woke regime, have tried hard to downplay, when not to ridicule.

These files revealed something disturbing: Democrats regularly ask BigTech to censor news and issues that do not conform to their narrative. And not only that: technology companies, chock-full of employees who openly support the Democratic Party, bend over backwards without batting an eye, censoring inconvenient news such as the laptop affair of Hunter Biden, son of the current president. A story that was hushed up just weeks before the 2020 election, decisively influencing the outcome in favor of Joe Biden. And this is not coming from me, this is coming from a Pulitzer Prize winner like Glenn Greenwald, who was forced to leave the newspaper he founded because he dared to write the truth.

Now do you see why Europe has a poisoned tooth with Musk? Because Musk has done the unthinkable: he has broken the wall of omertà that surrounded Twitter and other social media, freed the platform from the ideological shackles that strangled it, and restored the world’s freedom to express itself without fear of censorship. This does not go down well with the overlords in Brussels, because if X becomes a place of free confrontation, where even dissenting voices can express themselves, the whole scaffolding of single thinking-which they defend tooth and nail-is in danger of collapsing.

It is no accident that Gozi and Breton are so diligent in threatening sanctions against Musk. They know well that if X continues on this path, it will become a beacon of free speech and will undermine their model of social control, based on censorship and manipulation. After all, what Brussels fears most is that European citizens, tired of the lies and hypocrisies of the mainstream media, will flock to X in search of an unfiltered, unmanipulated, undomesticated truth.

What Musk is doing is a real revolution, because he is giving back to the Web what had been taken away from it: the freedom to be a space of open and honest confrontation, where people can discuss, even heatedly, but without the gag imposed by the censors of the single thought. This is the real battle being fought: it is not just a question of digital rules or compliance with European laws, it is a question of freedom, of democracy, of the right to express one’s thoughts without fear of retaliation.

Whether Gozi, Breton and all the censors in Brussels like it or not, Musk has taken a clear position: freedom of speech is non-negotiable. If European bureaucrats think they can shut down X with a law or a threat, they are sorely mistaken. The truth is that people have figured out the game and are no longer willing to be gagged.

So, what to say? Maybe it’s time to take the famous Matrix red pill and see how far down this rabbit hole it goes. Because one thing is certain: if we continue to be led around by the nose by these gentlemen, the future of freedom and democracy in Europe will be darker than we can imagine and the Army of Darkness will win. But fortunately, there are still those like Elon Musk who are not afraid to fight for the truth.

It seems to me a very good reason to get used to using X more and more, and perhaps invite friends and acquaintances who do not yet have an account to open one, perhaps explaining to them that the time we spend online is much more valuable if we use it to inform ourselves properly, rather than alienating ourselves by passively watching useless (understatement) “reels.”

PS: on these vacation days I am reading Norwegian Wood, a novel by Haruki Murakami, one of my favorite authors who, in a dialogue about reading, writes that “if you read only what others read, you will think only what others think”: if we want to preserve for ourselves and our children the right to be REALLY free we need to start from the foundation: ourselves.